Demi-Chan wa Kataritai: The tale of two sisters

Himari Takanashi

Himari is an ordinary human who is twins with Hikari Takanashi. Himari is a conservative, studious and hard working individual. But at times can be hot tempered due to her sister’s personality. Aside from the many disputes between them, Himari cares deeply about her sister.

Relationship with her sister

Himari is the responsible younger sister between the two. She helps Hikari with her hair in the mornings, which has gotten her repeatedly late. She lends her textbooks at school. And she disciplines Hikari by not approving of her negligence, however this is usually futile.

When explaining to Takahashi Sensei how she doesn’t approve of her sister’s irresponsible behavior, he asks if Hikari is able to see herself in the mirror. Upon hearing this, Himari quickly rushes to to find her sister and apologize. Of course in the end we learn that the reason for Hikari’s need for help in the morning is due to her laziness.

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Himari’s life isn’t 100% devoted to school. She attends festivals with her school friends, enjoys pudding(which Hikari steals at times) and spending time with her sister. She and her father purposefully lighten their hair due to Hikari’s hair color, in order to quell any questions on her relations to the family.

She’s suspicious of strangers trying to take advantage of her sister. This can make her appear as cold. However, she quickly apologizes when she jumps to conclusions.

We can notice more of Himari’s carefree and childlike personality when she is alone with her friends. She chooses not to wear a yukata to the festival knowing her friends wouldn’t be wearing one. It’s a running gag for her friends to compare Himari to her sister’s when she becomes extremely excited.

Himari seems to not like it when others try to take her time, especially in her leisure. She becomes annoyed when some local boys ask her and her friends to view the festival together. However, she feels obligated once they give her and her friends cotton candy.



Many people may see Himari as the reason why Hikari can live a carefree life. She’s responsible and quick to forgive others. Although she doesn’t openly admit it, she loves her sister. She wants Hikari to grow up to become more independent and less intrusive onto other people, especially on herself.


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